Your "step by step" instructions for more harmony with your dog!
Anita-Sophie Ekelhardt:
"Absolute Empfehlung von mir! Bereits nach dem ersten Training hatte ich einen viel entspannteren und ausgeglicheneren Hund Zuhause! Ein monatelang bestehendes Problem war mit wenigen Trainingseinheiten nachhaltig gelöst! Es wird auf alle Teilnehmer Rücksicht genommen, Probleme werden offen angesprochen und es werden in der Gruppe Übungen zur Lösung der Probleme gemacht. Das Team ist sehr professionell und hat immer ein offenes Ohr für Fragen."
Angélique Morio:
"Mir hilft die Online Hundeschule sehr, meinen Hund besser zu verstehen und genauer mit meinem Hund zu kommunizieren. Wir haben schon viel erreicht, was mit den leicht verständlichen Videos und Tipps auch sehr einfach ist."
Bianca Kohlhauser:
"Conny erlebe ich als äußerst kompetent Und voller guter Tipps. Sie erklärt immer die Hintergründe, was die Umsetzung im Hundetraining umso leichter macht. Vollste Empfehlungen!"
Petra Danier:
"Super aufbereitet mit kleinen Videos zum jeweiligen Thema. Für Alle, die ihren Hund besser verstehen wollen und Hundebegegnungen im Vorfeld gut einschätzen wollen. Top!"
Do you recognize yourself in it?
Then I have an important message for you!
I will reveal to you how to understand your dog under any circumstance and react accordingly. This will allow for more respect and tolerance and substantially improve your relationship.
Before we start let me tell you a little something about myself.
Hi! My name is Conny Sporrer and I am the founder of - your online dog school.
You may recognize me from TV or magazines. I am also the owner of the dog school in Vienna, Austria.
From the moment "Morillon", a rather troubled rescue, entered my life many years ago I realized dogs may not just enrich our lives. Ever since then, I have focused on better understanding dogs and figuring out how to train them without coddling or violence.
I look forward to sharing my insight and tips with you!
Not only will your everyday life be more relaxed, but thanks to an above average basic education your dog may even become a role model for others. You will even learn to understand "problem dogs", dogs with a troubled past, and be able to train them well.
Give yourself and your four-legged friend the gift of this course developed out of love and filled with practical everyday tips for a great time together:
Why have an Online Dog School?
For the responsible dog owner nowadays visiting obedience school is self-evident. It's where you will learn to teach your dogs basic commands, but more often than not the group size is too large, the training standardized and frustration occurs and training lacks everyday practicality.
A disobedient dog causes stress in everyday life (Living with a disobedient dog is stressful, miscommunication happens and leads to additional problems), miscommunication occurs and results in additional problems. This online course takes an outside the box look and explains dog behaviour and communication from the ground up. This allows us humans to better understand our dogs in everyday life and respond correctly and react appropriately.
The aim of this online dog school is to create a canine world of mutual respect and consideration. Small problems may still arise from time to time, but you will know how to address them correctly.
Our vision is not of a perfect world, but of one in which dog-people know how to correctly interpret their dog's behavior and act accordingly. This is exactly what we support you in! And not just with run of the mill tips but advice tailored to your problems. We will answer your questions directly and offer important pointers on how to have a more harmonious relationship with your dog.
I want to offer you a comprehensive solution to understanding dog behavior. As long as you are enrolled in the dog-school you will always up to date. We will be producing monthly new online coachings. For 12 months a year you will receive new courses on a wide variety of topics.
On top of that most people are held back by their environment and are lacking the support that will get them further. During the course of this online dog school you will not only be taught modern training techniques and methods, but Conny herself will motivate you to keep going and do better than most dog owners out there. Surely your dog is worth that?
What will you be getting
Try it now - Risk Free
Many people have benefited from my tips and methods in recent years.
The online dog school contains well-founded, tried and tested knowledge.
You can test all of the schools benefits for a whole two weeks.
How do you access the content?
As soon as you have secured your access to the online dog school, you will receive an email with your account details. You can then log in directly and access the entire content to help you achieve your goals.
Because this is a limited time only offer and you managed to find this website while the school is still available at an introductory price, I have reserved a very special discount for you.
The regular price for the methods I teach in the online dog school is worth well over 10,000 dollars.
And this is exactly you benefit enormously.
I'm not going to ask you to for 10,000 dollars. I'm not even going to ask you to pay 1,000 dollars.
Here's the good news I have for you today:
Because you have proven that you are serious about this - you would not have read this entire text if you were'nt - your investment for complete access to the online dog school is much less!
I am doing this because I want to ensure everyone has the opportunity to live in harmony with their dog and even more so that your dog feels completely at ease.
What happens after the trial period?
If you would like to remain a member after the two weeks, you will receive your membership at the discounted rate of $ 19.95 per month (instead of $ 29.95).
We publish new content on various topics every month. Thus our media library keeps expanding , and you will keep receiving new content to facilitate training. All this at no additional cost!
What if you don't like online dog training?
In case the content does not help you advance your dog's training you can terminate your membership at any time by sending my support team an informal email. They will take care of everything else for you.
If you have any other questions, you can also email me at any time.
You can find my email address on my websites and also in the email with your personal access link, which I will be sending you shortly.
Take your dog's training success into your hands and finally achieve your goals! The reason why you will succeed in what others won't is because you're doing what others don't:
Instant access
In addition to live webinars and the online support community, you will gain instant access to these lessons:
Secure your access to the online dog school now
A large video library that is constantly being expanded
A lot of videos, pictures and examples with step by step instructions. This allows you to access the most important strategies at any time, even when you are on the go. In addition, there are clearly structured workbooks (PDF) that enable training without necessarily having to start a video. This way you can try out new things and train important signals on the go
Melanie Hauk:
"I'm thrilled with the courses and especially with Conny! She responds individually to people and dogs :) After a week of training with Conny's tips, I am noticing the changes and will definitely stay tuned!"
Kathi Strassl:
"Boundless recommendation for Conny! Although I have had a dog for many years, I have noticed how much room for improvement there is when it comes to understanding signals and communication in our new puppy. Conny gave us a lot of tips and responded to all our questions immediately. Her expertise and body language are simply impressive. "
Elfi Fuchs:
Your advantages of the online dog school:
How can I join?
Your data and your privacy are completely protected.
The order is secure and discreet. Your data will not be released to third parties.
The school is 100% digital and you will receive your access link IMMEDIATELY after ordering.
I am excited to pass my enthusiasm for understanding dogs correctly on to you!
See you in the course!
Yours truly, Conny
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